Letter from Kurt Richthofen

From Kurt, the 1st President of A&FH:

To borrow a phrase from Blanche du Bois in Tennessee Williams’ award winning play “A Streetcar Named Desire,” “I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.”

In the beginning and early years of A&FH we remember the kindness of so many in Houston, total strangers who graciously opened their homes to our members. The kindness of these “strangers” over the years made the success of our nascent group possible. Thirty years later their memories live in my mind as if it were yesterday. We sadly remember some of those who contributed so much to our success but are no longer with us: George Watson, Ernie Estrella, Ray Rivera and Chris Kerr. Our apologies to any whose names I’ve forgotten.

Our thanks to everyone who has participated in an A&FH function. You’ve consistently been a major credit to the Houston LGBTQ community. Thirty years down but the best is yet to come. Thank you.